May is Michigan Deck Safety Month

Michigan Deck Inspection Checklist

Getting your deck’s ledger, framing, and hardware checked can help you avoid any future pains

Miles Bradley Building is participating in deck safety awareness all throughout the month of May in Michigan. With all the storms that have been rolling through, you never know if your deck has sustained any damage from falling debris or regular wear and tear. Letting your old wooden unsealed deck rot doesn’t make your time outside enjoyable or safe.

This point especially rings true for all the DIYers out there who may have missed a step or safety code when building their deck. Getting a professional deck inspection will not only give you peace of mind but will ensure that your investment will pay off in the long run. We encourage everyone to get their old deck regularly inspected by a licensed professional to ensure that they are safe and up to code.

Over the years, code requirements for decks have changed. Older decks may not be built to adhere to today’s code requirements and can cause a safety hazard. One example of an overlooked Some older decks were not built using the correct deck tension hardware which can cause ledger failures.

Code requirements were established to protect the consumer and any future buyers of the consumer. Repairing an old wooden deck can be costly, and in some cases replacing a deck may be the only option. That’s why getting an inspection can help you catch any problems before they start.

Schedule Your Michigan Deck Inspection

As a supporter of NADRA or the North America Deck and Railing Association, we are highly qualified deck builders that can provide a deck inspection for you.  Miles Bradley has the training, expertise, and special knowledge to provide deck inspections and repair your damaged deck. We can help repair and replace your old deck with new composite deck materials that can stand the test of time.  All decks that we construct are up to code and will pass any inspection with flying colors.

Contact us now or get a free quote on your next professional deck inspection!


Off Season Deck Building Saves You Money

Off Season Deck Building Saves You MoneyWhen it comes to having a deck addition built onto your home, there are many factors to take into consideration as you prepare for your new deck. Aspects such as cost or decking materials used will play an important role in your decision to hire Miles Bradley for your Michigan deck building company. If you are looking to save money on a new deck built of high-quality materials, scheduling your deck build for the fall or winter season is your best option.


End Of Summer Deck Party!

The words we all hate to hear, “summer is almost over” have become a part of conversations across Michigan and Chicago. Pretty soon your deck will be covered with snow and ice, and you will not be able to enjoy it as you did during the beautiful summer we had this year.

In case you didn’t notice, we did say pretty soon, meaning it’s not over yet! Why not invite your friends over for an “End of Summer Deck Party!” Get the final use out of your new deck this year! But, if for some reason you are still lagging on getting your deck built, it’s not too late!

Miles Bradley is offering great deals on deck builds as summer dwindles off. We will get your build scheduled and built-in enough time for you to be able to host your very first deck party! Decks bring family and friends together, whether it is for a barbeque, a card game, or just to socialize. You will be glad you had your deck build by Miles Bradley this year!

Because the deals are so hot right now, we want to make sure that your deck is on our list of builds before summer is over. Contact Miles Bradley of Michigan or Chicago today and start planning your End of Summer Deck Party!

Prepare Your Deck For Winter

If you are looking to save time and money when cleaning and setting up your deck next spring, now is the perfect time to get a head start on preparing your deck for the winter. There are a few precautionary steps that you can take which will eliminate the surprise and/or expense come spring

  • Thoroughly clean your deck. Before doing anything else to prep your deck or patio for the winter, cleaning the entire deck is a must. Using a formulated deck cleaner, wash away dirt, dust, mold, or mildew from corner to corner.
  • Smooth your decks finish. winter-deckWalk around your deck and search for cracked or chipped areas of your deck’s finish. You will want to fix these problems as they will worsen and possibly damage your wood come spring. Depending on the type of finish you have on your deck will determine the proper products for removing areas of finish that need to be restored.
  • Restore your deck’s finish. After you have removed the unwanted finish from your deck, you will want to restore it before winter comes. If you leave them unfinished deterioration of the deck’s wood will occur, causing the need for wood replacement.
  • Seal your deck. Using a water repellant wood sealer, cover your entire deck. The water-repellant will prevent sitting water from damaging the wood. Moisture spikes during the winter, as snow and ice tend to sit on decks. Not sealing your deck can cause wood to crack or warp from moisture.

Following the above steps can significantly save you from costly repairs. If your deck is already in need of replacement contact Miles Bradley Building and Remodeling in Michigan or Chicago, IL today, and ask about our low maintenance decks, eliminating the need for winter preparation!

Build or Re-build your deck before the busy season!

Does your home need a new deck or maybe just some deck modifications? Now is the time! We have many solutions from building a new deck to rebuilding your old deck.

Some decks can be rebuilt using your existing understructure (the existing structure that your deck was built on top of). If the understructure on your current Under deck dry space rebuilddeck is in good shape we can remove the worn-out decking and railing, and build the new deck on the existing understructure. We replace it with a new, low-maintenance railing and decking saving you lots of money over building a brand new deck.

We service all of Michigan, the Detroit Metro area, and the Chicago Land area. We will come to your home for an estimate and see if your deck is a candidate for a rebuild on your existing understructure. When we rebuild a deck we rip out your old cedar deck and we install a low maintenance deck using Trek low maintenance material.

Also using the existing understructure we can rebuild and probably make modifications like creating an under deck dry space as part of the new design for the deck.  You can go bigger or smaller; whatever you want to suit your style and home. Call us today so we can figure out the best option for your deck!